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Inicio > Historias > Using viruses to fight bacterial diseases in humans
Using viruses to fight bacterial diseases in humans 2024-11-02

Hay un problemilla que me desconcierta. He tratado de convertir el audio de mis colaboraciones en Onda Cero a texto con el programa TextPixie, que suele hacerlo muy bien, pero esta vez, le he dicho que lo haga en español y el resultado ha sido, un español un poco extraño:

"Today I am going to talk about using viruses to fight bacterial diseases in humans. They are called bacteriophages or more simply phages, which are viruses that attack bacteria. For a long time, it has been thought that phages could be used to combat certain bacterial diseases in humans. It is always necessary to find a phage that does not affect humans, only bacteria. Recently, an international study was conducted by the Israeli Center for Phage Therapy, directed by Professor Ran Mir Paz, in which a phage called PASA-16 was used to fight infections from one of the most difficult bacteria to combat, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This research involved 16 patients with resistant infections. The treatment consisted of using it together with the antibiotics that are typically used for this case along with phage PASA-16. The result has been very promising, as they have achieved a success rate of 86.6%. That is to say, 13 out of 15 patients have benefited. The success of this research is hoped to encourage other researchers to achieve an alternative method to fight against bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics, which are becoming a major problem. The authors of the study tell us that before attempting this therapy, they used all previous ones known and also eliminated those patients with sensitivity to phage PASA-16. They inform us that the treatment with this phage had some undesirable side effects, but they were minor and manageable. I believe this trial shows that treatment with phages can be important and deserves time and money to investigate it. That's all. See you tomorrow."

Lo siguiente que voy a hacer es tratar de traducirlo con Google Translator y corregir los errores que puedan surgir.

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